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Ask, Believe, Receive Medium Wand

Ask, Believe, Receive Medium Wand

Regular price $77.98 $65.00 Sale

Ask, Believe, Receive

The Law of Attraction


The law of attraction works when we first ask the Universe for what we want.

We must have faith and believe that we deserving of our desire knowing that we are worthy of the request. We now must be open and receptive for our desire to manifest. The following stones will aid us in our quest:
Aquamarine and Amethyst open the connection to the Universe through divine guidance and intuition, allowing us to ask for and receive information. Emerald heals the heart and clears the emotional body. We are now ready to create pure intention allowing us to believe that we are deserving of our request. Pearl promotes purity of mind, body, and spirit; opening - divine connection of highest good for all enabling us to receive our gifts with gratitude.


All Medium wands are approx. 6-7 in. long. Each item is individually hand crafted. All medium and large wands come velvet pouch and information card.